
A performance backdrop in Tivoli Gardens.

Headed north to Copenhagen, as map shows, 50 years ago last night. Sun rose around 0430. How did I know? Because I hardly slept. Remember, we were in a train compartment with several other people. To sleep, we extended our seats and laid out, alternating feet and heads. Also didn’t help that passports and tickets were checked seven times.

Ferry to Copenhagen.

The map also shows that rail access to Copenhagen from the west is more than difficult. The train brought us to a ferry at about 0500. Had some tea in the restaurant on the ferry. Arrived in Copenhagen at about 0830. The Hotel du Nord was nearby and in a neighborhood with several porno shops, as befitted its price and quality.

View from our hotel room.
Ströget scene

After a walk along the Ströget, a mile-long pedestrian street, we came back to the hotel and took a nap until about 1730. After dinner, we visited Tivoli Gardens. In my journal, I simply said, “It was amazing.” Sunset there and then was almost 2200, so my pictures in the gallery below are in daylight. When it was dark we were in bars, so the picture of Tivoli at night was purchased.

no images were found

We stayed out late and imbibed, as was our wont. The next morning at breakfast, the morning manager at the hotel said he recognized us because, when he went to wake another guest at 0700, he found the door to our room wide open.

After walking around taking pictures, we went back to the hotel and took a nap until 1930. After grabbing dinner, we wandered about and found the Club Pussycat. Might as well say this now begins the expurgated report on our visit. We first connected with a couple from Seattle, a local named Sven, and about six or seven kids from Texas on a tour. Later, after spending some time with a guy and a girl from Finland, we walked home around 0530.

Next day started for us around 1330. Hours of unimportant activity later, we were back at the Club Pussycat. Hung around with Sven and met two girls from Seattle — Laurie and Dawn. They were on a post-graduation tour of Europe (but after high school!). They had also been in Amsterdam and loved it for the hash. At some point, Laurie said she was in Scandinavia to “find my Thor”! Well, Sven became her companion. Later, waiting for drinks, a girl at the bar asked if I was American and we struck up a conversation. Üna was 20 years old and from Greenland. I believe she’s the only person from Greenland I’ve ever met.

Next morning, we went to Sweden . . . for a few hours. Malmo, Sweden, is a short ferry ride from Copenhagen. Rainy day and inconsequential. Back at the Pussycat that night, we met a local who was a Buddy Holly freak and talked about American rock in the ‘50s and ‘60s. Kid was named Flemming Anderssen and he drove us back to the hotel around 0400.

Here’s a gallery of random photos from Copenhagen, including one of each of your intrepid travelers.

On our last day in Copenhagen, we did our duty. Getting up at 1130, we bought some post cards and went to the lounge of the Royal Hotel to write them. Our train to Cologne was to leave a little after 2100.

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