Berlin, part VI: Sacred Heart

On Sunday, 16 June, Julia and I went to church. We walked from the hotel to the Parish Church of the Sacred Heart (Herz-Jesu). It was somewhat close, but that’s not why we went there.

My parents were married on 11 November 1945 in that church. Using photos taken at the wedding, Julia had been able to locate the church because of the distinctive artwork behind the altar. Indeed, she and Sam visited the church on their December 2017 honeymoon.

Below is a combination of a picture from the wedding in 1945 and one taken on our visit. Not a perfect match, but we did a little better in the video.

Here then is a brief (1:26) video taken of the church. We waited to shoot the interior until after Mass and the parishioners had left.

After church, we took the long way back to the hotel so that we could see some more of Zehlendorf. In an earlier post, I mentioned some street names related to the American presence post-WWII. This one was a bit of a puzzle.

 Here is a gallery of other photos from that walk.


We then changed hotels and took a cab to Charlottenburg, another upscale neighborhood and much more urban. As we planned a few days of serious tourism, we wanted to be closer to the main sights. Our hotel was the Hotel Pension Funk, and it was all that the name implies . . . and more. You’ll get a slight preview in this video (1:43) of the hotel and area around it, but there will be a special post about it later. 

This was also the first day of much walking . . . the first of several days of much walking. On this day, I took 12,128 steps and covered 4.2 miles. The next day, I crushed my previous PR.

Part VII: Tiergarten District


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