Lithuania: Old Town apartment

Except for two nights spent in Juodkrantė on the Curonian Spit, our Lithuanian base was a two-bedroom apartment on Pilies Gatve (Castle Street), described by the Vilnius tourism site as “the oldest and most flamboyant street in Old Town.”

Great location, great accommodations. And for €350 for the week!

The bathroom arrangement was interesting. One room contained the toilet and sink; another provided a sink and bath/shower.

Here is a gallery of photos of the apartment.


Access to the apartment by car was slightly tricky. The entrance to an adjacent courtyard was through a very narrow opening. Once there, you could open the gate to “our” courtyard with a remote. Again, very narrow openings. The rental VW Golf had proximity alarms. They pretty much screamed throughout the process. They were turned off for this video (1:34) showing both pedestrian and auto access.

Lithuania: potpourri


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